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Psychogenealogy is a method that reveals the recurring psychological patterns and difficulties within a family. This includes behavioral, pathological, belief-based, event-related, and destiny repetitions.
The method encompasses transpersonal psychotherapeutic techniques, scientific psychological fundamentals, constellation principles, group dynamics, and connections. All of this is examined within the context of a genogram, that is, through the creation and study of a family tree. In assembling a family tree, certain symbols must be followed, the right questions must be learned to ask, and one must be able to listen to “strange” signs, phrases, symbols.
There is a certain way to identify recurring situations and destinies by examining the genogram, which manifests in some way in the client’s life.
A psychogenealogist helps to piece this picture together and “read” it in such a way that it becomes a form of therapy that helps to alleviate the “burdens” of the family. In other words, it involves decoding the psychological inheritance. During such therapy, the client undergoes a journey from child-level behavior to adult behavior. An adult acknowledges the fact that others may not change and seeks how to renew their inner reality. This affects all of the client’s relationships – with themselves, partners, children, friends, and colleagues.
The method focuses on how psychological inheritance has been passed down from generation to generation through genes, teaching, upbringing, and also what is not spoken about or who is not mentioned. This has been scientifically studied through the field of epigenetics, which confirms a lot. Of course, there is still much to discover. Meanwhile, we rely on the therapeutic results that the client and changes in the client’s life provide feedback on.
In summary, psychogenealogy is a method that includes a collection of various therapeutic formats. These are not always used all at once but according to the client’s question and receptivity. For this, it is important that the therapist has acquired and professionally practices psychotherapy, body psychotherapy, constellation skills, and the ability to create and read genograms, and has knowledge of epigenetics. It is important that such a therapist feels “at home” in all the aforementioned fields. For the client, this simply means a therapist who reads the physical body, knows the principles and laws of group dynamics, can create and read family trees, and has basic knowledge of epigenetics and anatomy.
How it truly works can only be known by experiencing it yourself. Therefore, if you have any difficulty in life (any kind), contact me to find out if this method suits you. The work is deep, creates lightness from heaviness, and the feedback is high because the reorganization of the client’s life system is exceptionally effective.