What is psychogenealogy?
Listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: Psychogenealogy is a method that reveals the recurring psychological […]
What is psychogenealogy?
Listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: Psychogenealogy is a method that reveals the recurring psychological […]
What is psychogenealogy?
Listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: Wikipedia explains that drawing is the creation of visual
Can’t Draw? False!
Listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: A friend visited me. We chatted about various topics,
Why do we need personal space
Listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: One day, I had a strange feeling. The day
Inside and then Inside Something Else
I have a strong connection with books. As a baby, I was wrapped on the desk of the library director,
I will write summaries of the books I have read and am reading here. Since I read a lot, I
You can listen to the audio story at: https://anchor.fm/minade-audiokanal Or read on here: I write about my latest experience, which
Body Vs. Spirituality
Wings are forelimbs specialized for flight in animals through evolution in zoology. A wing in aviation is a horizontal surface
Since this word is used often, I am writing it out for those who want to understand why it is
What exactly Is This “Process”? Or the 6 Stages of Change Read more >>
I write about my experience because maybe it will help you if you have experienced it or are experiencing it
The pain and Solutions of Emotional Abandonment