
Body Vs. Spirituality

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I write about my latest experience, which falls under my “blunders.” If I were to title this story, it might sound something like “I Did It to Myself Again!?!?!”

It is wonderful to engage in self-development, to see changes in oneself and others. I watch the constant insights and processes with pleasure. I have been doing this for many years. BUT the lesson was always waiting around the corner, and now it seems the last straw has been reached.

So, on this intense path of self-transformation, I constantly pushed my BODY, WHERE all these processes and changes were taking place, to the background. Yes, the BODY, my dear arms and legs, stomach and navel, etc. Again and again, I attended the next seminar, course, or read a wise book. Again and again, I took on the next client, even though I needed a break myself. And so I postponed what was inevitable – physical rest. This is not laziness but a real physical need to relax muscles, allow the digestion of information and food, give the heart and circulatory system, which constantly pump blood, a break.

The busier I am, the more the “engine” heats up. And excessive heat manifests in the body as inflammation or some deficiency. Symptoms come easily, but doctors find no cause – all tests are textbook perfect. I have heard this last sentence many times. The doctor shrugs and says to rest and see how it goes. What rest?! I have a family and a child, work and hobbies, friends, and of course, free time that needs to be filled with self-development! And after all, if I lie on the couch, nothing gets done at home! Does this text sound familiar? Society also tends to favor the active rather than those who know how to value time for themselves. Such people are often considered arrogant egotists who don’t consider others (there are many egos, unfortunately, they are all lumped together. The truth is that we need some of them, some need to be expanded, and some are just veils for real needs that we do not want to face).

Yes, please, I want to be an egotist who fills my own well before rushing to help others. The quality of the contents of my well determines what I have to give to others and whether it benefits society on a broader scale or just me. The latter option is not sustainable; it drains me and others. It does not create anything new but just goes in circles. And that’s exactly the point I had reached with myself. My well was running dry, and now is the last moment to fix it.

Of course, I have always been aware that changes in the body happen most slowly and last. But I have always said that knowledge alone is not enough. Not even in very spiritual or soulful self-development. The physical body needs something else to function and support while I deal with my “spirituality.”

P.S.! In plain language – spirituality is not some spirit or floating being in the heights. It is the part of becoming aware of oneself – a part of oneself that knows, senses, and connects through intuition, gut feelings, and insights.

So how is it, is it “body VS spirituality” or maybe “body AND spirituality”? I experienced firsthand what the body does when it is not heard, ignored, and deemed unimportant. Eventually, it takes up such a pace that one symptom appears after another. And then there’s no escaping, the BODY demands its debt to be paid.

Thank you, body, for hurting, being stiff, sending me to the ER, and giving me inflammation. Thank you for holding on for so long. Now I hear and listen. I am learning to laze and be a couch ornament occasionally, so you can digest and integrate, set and rest, cleanse and relax. Because we will value its strength later!

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