I'm calmer, I don't take everything personally and I can distance myself that it's not an emotion directed at me, it's just an emotion. This is a big step for me because I used to take everything very to heart and personally. I was afraid to make a mistake at work, now it's better to be as it is, if it doesn't fit, it's time to move on.
Olen rahulikum, ei võta kõike isiklikult ja suudan end distantseeruda, et see pole minu pihta emotsioon vaid emotsioon. See on minu jaoks suur samm, sest varem võtsin kõik väga südamesse ja isiklikult. Kartsin töölgi eksida, nüüd on pigem, et on nagu on, kui ei sobi, siis on aeg edasi liikuda.
There is more energy. Life is happier and feeling more stable. I have become more in touch with my feelings. Even when anger comes up, it's not scary anymore, I can look at it. The relationship with the spouse is more open, calmer and closer.
Energiat on rohkem. Elu on õnnelikum ja enesetunne stabiilsem. Olen oma tunnetega rohkem kontakti saanud. Isegi kui viha peale tuleb, pole see enam hirmutav, ma võin seda vaadata. Suhe abikaasaga on avatum, rahulikum ja lähedasem.
I like going to Jaana for the process because it is simply effective. This 1 hour session time may seem so short, but I have gone with a different topic each time and there has always been some change. This change is not something I only experienced during the session and then life goes on as usual, but it is a changed perception experienced during the session and it remains. And while I have a lot of different things up there, Jaana knows how to find the necessary piece of information from this pile of information, which is important and where everything starts to branch off.
Mulle meeldib Jaana juures protsessil käia, sest see on lihtalt tõhus. See 1 h seansi aega võib tunduda nii lühike, aga ma olen iga kord erineva teemaga läinud ja alati on mingi muutus toimunud. See muutus ei ole, et ainult seansil kogesin ja siis elu läheb vanaviisi edasi, vaid see on seansil kogetud muutunud taju ja see jääb püsima. Ja samas kui mul on palju erinevaid asju üleval, siis oskab Jaana sellest info virr-varrist leida just selle vajaliku infokillu, mis on oluline ja kust kõik hargnema hakkab.