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A friend visited me. We chatted about various topics, and the conversation turned to children. My friend shared a recently discovered behavior pattern in one of her children. It was a bit unusual for the child, and a picture began to unfold strangely. First one layer appeared, then the second, and the third. While these layers were appearing, I sensed something blocking their expression. My friend looked at me, waiting for information. I felt how I was holding back or that something was holding back. I thought to myself, “Okay, let it be for now, and I’ll just describe what I initially feel.” What I realized at one moment during this conversation was that the blockage was related to another person in the room. Since the room is relatively small, all three of us unintentionally influence each other. In a certain area, a so-called shared field is created, where the information/energy of the people present in the room merges. At the moment, I won’t expand on the idea of this shared field, as naturally, there are other influences at this point too. For simplicity, I will stick to the three people for now.
What actually happened to me? What happened was that part of me was tuned into my friend and another part to the third person. And with that, I was divided among three people – myself, my friend, and the third person. The more people in the room, the more we are divided. This does not happen consciously, but it simply is, because our bodies and consciousness are in relation and communicate with everything around us. Even with so-called inanimate objects, because human perceptions are built so that one orients themselves in space and in interaction with other people, reading subconscious information about moods, movements, states, and so on. These are reflections that provide me with information about myself on all levels.
I have known this for a long time, but the moment when the knowledge “drops” into the body and a real experience at the level of perceptions arises is wonderful. It is different and always adds a third dimension to how I feel being alone and with someone. These are expansive moments and do not disappear anymore. It’s like a new gift or skill. It has always been with me, but becoming aware of it is the goal of self-development. I become more adept at perceiving myself and other people. Thus, I can create relationships on a deeper level, not with the masks worn. These masks will fall or be “forgotten” at some point, and the truth will come to light, even if only for a moment.
So, why is personal space needed? Sometimes I feel like I can’t communicate or listen, a certain kind of tiredness arises. It is different. I feel like I am “away” – in my “bubble.” Is this a familiar expression? It depends on the context and situation, but sometimes the body’s defense mechanism removes us from the informational field of others. The reason is actually simple. Constant influx of information through various perceptions just tires the system. Just like a phone heats up during a long call, so too does a person’s tuning system to external objects overheat. If it is not possible to physically remove oneself, a “bubble” is created where one can rest a little.
One necessity of personal space is therefore rest. The second is integrating, categorizing, and making choices about the information received – what to choose, what not to choose. If too much information constantly comes in, a flood occurs, and it wastes resources needed to make choices in harmony with oneself, solve emerging issues, and so on. In a flood of information, it is difficult to hear one’s inner voice and perceive oneself. In certain areas, this “weak point” of a person is exploited. But being aware of this, I can use conscious withdrawal to observe oneself and external objects/events/people and make choices. After making choices, I can act or decide not to act.
Personal space is a space for observing and listening to oneself. The simplest way to create it is to physically withdraw for a while and be alone, engage in a hobby or favorite activity to switch off and create a conscious “bubble.”
How do you create your personal space, and how aware are you of why you need it? Explore and discover.