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One day, I had a strange feeling. The day had passed with activities, and when I sat for about an hour doing nothing, I began to perceive a weird state. It felt like being inside something, then here and there, all at once. Strange. How is that possible?
I looked back at the day. Strangely, I had accomplished a lot, more than usual. I wondered if it could be that I was so present in every moment. Is that how you can get a lot done as if by chance? And if I am in the moment, where is that? Within what is that moment? Who is the one in the moment and simultaneously inside something and everywhere at once?
Someone looks out from inside me, through my eyes. This entity I call Myself lives in my body and looks out. Who is the one who calls themselves Myself? How did they get into this body? What do they know, and how do they actually operate, where do they get information from, and where do they go next?
This someone Myself inside me looks out, and suddenly, I feel like I am inside something else. Noticing the evening sky from the window, I sense a strange feeling of being inside a bubble. You know, that feeling when we encapsulate ourselves or lose contact. But it was different; I was so in contact with something else. It is vast, it is all around me and all of you. What is it, I asked myself? Hmm, the planet Earth I live on, of course, was the first thought. It is round like a bubble, and I am inside it. No, it is even bigger. And I did not find an answer. Maybe I do not need to know, but that feeling was something very different and impossible to put into words.
Lately, I have developed a trust that I do not need to name everything but simply trust the feeling that exists. And if it is thought-provoking, I can draw only one conclusion for myself – within me, around me, and everywhere, there is something much more that is not perceived in the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. Should I even perceive it? I answer yes, sometimes one should stop and sense what is around me because it is where I live, it is my habitat. For some reason, I was allowed to perceive this as a human, and thanks to that, I understand that a person is not just a physical entity with hands and legs, work and children. Perception and sensing are given to us for a reason. Use them because we still do not really know what these gifts are meant for us.