What are
Constellation is a modern method consisting of various psychotherapy approaches—transactional analysis (Eric Berne), gestalt therapy (Fritz and Laura Perls), family sculptures (Virginia Satir), family therapies (Böszörmenyi-Nagy), transgenerational influence (Carl Gustav Jung), and others. The difference is that constellations do not conduct analysis. In constellations, the focus is on the question HOW? and not on the question WHY?
My thought
"The constellation method helps to make interconnections and these effects on us visible. What came before creates form and shapes us."
What is done in constellations?
We do not seek to blame anyone, but rather identify events and associated individuals whose experiences influence us today. During the process, familial and transgenerational subconscious root causes are sought, which cause poor well-being, patterns that resist change, behavioral problems, and difficulty finding one's place. By finding connections and respectfully acknowledging past events, a journey towards resolution and healing becomes possible. The constellation facilitator accompanies the client in their family system without making judgments or stating what is right or wrong. Respect and dignity are key principles here.
How to prepare?
To work with constellations, you need the desire to change something. If you come at someone else's request without wanting changes yourself, the work will have little effect. Therefore, the main requirement is the will and an active or recurring issue that, despite all efforts, has not changed. It is helpful to know a bit more about your parents, their childhood, and your grandparents. Even if this information is not available, they subconsciously live on in us. We are, after all, the carriers of their genetic and emotional heritage. In summary: you need a pressing topic, the will, and the possibilities. Find a suitable constellator and start your journey.
Is this a miracle cure?
No, it is not a miracle cure. A constellation is a tool that makes the underlying issues of a troubling question visible. The method helps to clarify what and who one is connected with, which causes difficulties in the present life. Since it incorporates various therapeutic approaches, it is a powerful tool, enabling the client to see what truly affects them. Through mirror neurons, the truth is recognized, indicated by different bodily reactions. The miracle happens within the client, allowing the truth to touch them and use the information for future choices.
Learn more about me here.
Which format to choose?
I offer 1:1, group, and VIP constellation formats. You can read more about each one below. The choice depends on the format you prefer. A 1:1 constellation is chosen if you do not feel comfortable opening up in front of a group for the first time or if the topic is too delicate. In group constellations, representatives are used, i.e., people from the participants. This is the most common format. VIP constellations are for urgent topics or to ensure the privacy of well-known individuals. At the agreed time, the facilitator will invite the representatives and sign confidentiality agreements.
1:1 constellations
On Spot / In Zoom
This format allows time, experience or keep delicate topics in a safe space before you want to work in a group. Sometimes a 1:1 meeting is chosen because it suits better timewise. Here, the constellation therapist and the client meet one-on-one to start untangling the topic at hand.
We start by formulating the request, which is the precise question you seek to resolve. When the request is correct, it carries a certain charge that confirms it. Then, I use either special dolls and bases designed for constellations or anchors. This is determined as we go and according to the need. The client places the agreed-upon constellation elements. The constellator reads the placements, positions, connections, and symbols, including the client’s body reactions, impulses, and responses. If necessary, elements are moved, pauses are taken, and emotions are allowed to emerge.
Pro's and bottlenecks
As always, every approach has its pros and cons. The same applies to 1:1 meetings, where placed elements do not speak or move on their own. This is not an obstacle, but it does require greater effort in perception. If the client is rather analytical and has difficulty perceiving impulses in the body, the flow of information may be somewhat slower than usual. On the plus side, if self-confidence is still fragile, it is good to open up gradually. First, address the more delicate aspects of the topic, and then, if desired, one day work in a group with representatives. Additionally, there are more times to choose from, as group meetings take place on specific dates.
On spot, in my studio: Lasteaia 11-1, Kiili, Estonia
In zoom: For zoom session book via e-mail
Session duration: 1h - 2h | Price: 170€

Group constellations
Group constellations
Events take place on specific dates and times and appear in the Events Calendar. People come together to work on their tasks, represent others’ tasks, or observe and get to know the method. The group is guided by a constellator, the client brings the work theme, and the representatives mediate the information received from the field. There are light snack, coffee, and tea breaks in between to refresh themselves.
The client has an issue they seek to resolve. The solution emerges through uncovering hidden root causes, which are revealed by the representatives placed by the client, the coordinates of the field, and the symbolism of body language. At the beginning of the meeting, we get to know who has come and for what reason – to work, to represent, to observe. As the guide for constellations, I always start the groups by sharing a thought or experience that seems to be in sync with what emerges in the work. Although I do not know the client’s topics in advance, this is a good external phenomenon experience for the whole group.
The roles of representatives and observers
An observer has indicated that they do not wish to represent in the client’s work. There can be several reasons for this. For example, they may be getting acquainted for the first time or their own issues are too active. In the latter case, they gain various insights and ideas for solving their own issues from the work of others.
A representative has given consent to represent someone or something from the client’s system. The representative acts as an antenna, agreeing to let information related to the client’s system pass through them. The client places the representative in the field and releases them with gratitude at the end of the work. After the work is done, a courtesy ritual is performed. Each person goes home enriched in some way—be it a new piece of knowledge, an experience, or something else. In the group method, someone does the work and all participants benefit. This is a healing group method, beneficial to everyone in different ways.
Where does the information come from, and what kind?
How it works and what the information field is cannot yet be precisely explained. For some reason, it works. However, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has introduced the concept of the ‘morphogenetic field’ and presented the theory behind it (e.g., how birds migrate without getting lost, using an invisible information trace). Having familiarized myself with the background, explanations, and examples offered by Dr. Sheldrake through his books, I can say that it is valid for me. There is no magic or communication with the dead; it is information from the beginning of time, stored in the morphogenetic field and located all around us. Therefore, birds and animals can migrate without maps and radios. Similarly, people ‘read’ their ancestors’ experiences and repeat what once saved, helped, or solved complex situations, even if it was difficult. This is what constellation deals with – information.
You can find the event dates in the events calendar:
You can find the event dates in the events calendar:

VIP constellations
There is an option for those who need a quick appointment, outside the time of group constellations, and a private constellation with representatives. This option is good for a smaller team with questions that need to be resolved together or for a company leader with specific work-related issues. It is also suitable for people who are more or less well-known and need to resolve personal issues anonymously, and do not wish to work on themselves in public groups.
It takes place in the same way as a group constellation, with the difference that there are no observers. Except for the client and those they wish to bring along (e.g., key team members). Keeping the goal of the work in mind, we will specify together who could come. Then we agree on a date and time, and I will invite a sufficient number of representatives. I invite people to the group based on personal experience with them as representatives, their experience in representation, and the accuracy of their sensing. Representatives come only for the duration of the work and are compensated for their anonymity and time.
How to order VIP constellations?
Send me an email describing your request briefly and the reasons for your goal. We will discuss possible methods and forms, and I will prepare an offer. It’s important to note that the usual price list does not apply for VIP constellations. Everything depends on the wishes, the necessary number of representatives, and the required time commitment. The client pays for both the work of the constellator and the representatives’ fees.
Meeting duration: 2-3 hours Price: according to the offer
Meeting duration: 2-3h
Price: according to the offer

- +372 5200108
I will respond to your inquiry at the earliest opportunity.
Group constellations appear in the calendar regularly. Keep an eye out!
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1:1 or VIP constellations
Group constellations
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March

Family Constellations in Kiili 10.03.2025
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March

Support Group for Therapists/Supervision
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
- +372 5200108
I will respond to your inquiry at the earliest opportunity.
Group constellations will appear in the calendar continuously. Keep an eye out!
Find an event from the calendar
1:1 or a VIP constellation
Group constellation
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March

Family Constellations in Kiili 10.03.2025
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March