Minad Intensives
Minad Intensives
What are they?
The Minad Intensives and Minade Mini Intensives are therapeutic, practical intensive seminars composed of constellation and other methods. During the intensive, you will go through a series of focused, specifically structured constellation, body psychotherapy, and psychological exercises. You will gain exciting and useful knowledge related to the topic. This is a form of education that is based on my unique approach – transpersonal psychology, a systemic view, and a person-to-person relationship. I have also invited speakers to the intensives who lead fascinating workshops and offer experiences that I do not have.
My insights
“Attending camps is not just for children. Adults can also take a break from their responsibilities. By getting to know your true self, you also heal relationships.”
Who are the intensives suitable for?
Everyone who is interested in themselves and human functioning mechanisms is welcome. The intensive format suits everyone, regardless of profession, level of self-work, or skills. Intensive participants have included therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, general practitioners, accountants, teachers, kindergarten teachers, craftsmen, public figures, and those seeking something for themselves or wishing to further their professional skills.
The goal
Minad Intensives are therapeutic and personality-developing intensive meetings, where over several days (2-4 days) we delve deeply into a specific topic. The goal is to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience by dealing with personal issues. These retreats have the effect of long-term therapy. Additionally, they provide the opportunity to step away from daily routines and gain a new perspective.
What do the intensives provide you?
Significant changes in themselves and their lives have been shared. Many insights and unexpected calm have been gained. Techniques learned during the intensive, as well as knowledge and experiences, have been put to use. Not to mention new acquaintances and collaborations. Thanks to the intensives, I, too, have found friends and people with special skills who have been able to help with many tasks. Participants who offer their services or products can offer them as additional services at the intensive and charge a fee for them.
- Practical exercises created based on the constellation method with a specific focus.
- Psychological and body psychotherapeutic exercises, learning materials.
- Constellation work in a large group.
- All the skills, knowledge, and lessons learned are yours to apply in your work and/or personal life.
- Certificates for all participants, endorsed by Jaana Saar and Jure Biechonski, as well as Eurotas (European Transpersonal Psychology Association)
Previously held Minad Intensives
- Minad Intensive 1, 04.-06.June, 2018 "Constellations Intensive." Topics: issues from participants, metafor cards.
Minad Intensive 2, 11.-14.Sept., 2018 "Constellations intensive"
Topics: Balance between male and female part in us, art therapy, ho'oponopono method. -
Minad Intensive 3, 26.-28.Nov., 2018 "Basic Emotions"
Topics: Resonance, zero point, frequency converters. -
Minad Intensive 4, 06.-09.Feb., 2019 "Symptoms"
Topics: symptoms, unclear symptoms, the dilemma of change. -
Minad Intensive 5, 21.-24.May, 2019 "The Self and The Parent"
Topics: Innerchild and being a parent to the innerchild. - Minad Intensive 6, 10.-13.Sept., 2019 "Dynamics of perpetrator-victim- savior." Collaboration with Jure Biechonski (Private school „Teadlik Mina“ - Transpersonal psychology).
Minad Intensive 7, 13.-16.Jan., "Acknowledging your shadows, steping
into The Self."
Käsitletud teemad: Jung´i isiksuseteooria: Ise, Vari, Persona, Arhetüübid. Koostöös Jure Biechonski´ga. -
Minad Intensive 8, 18.-21.May, 2020 "Transgenerational cell memory"
Topics: RNA, DNA, cells, epigenetics, family system. Collaboration with Jure Biechonski. -
Minad Intensive 9, 24.-27.Aug., 2020 "Body Systems"
Topics: 9 physical body basic systems and energetical bodysystems. -
Minad Intensive 10, 25.-28.Jan., 2021 "Possibilities, Choises, Responsibility."
Topics: How through playing we grew and developed to take responsibility, see possibilities and make choises.
Minad Intensive 11, 24.-27.May, 2021 "Converting belifs"
Topics: Supportive and blocking belifs, how they develope, cognitive distortions. -
Minad Intensive 12, 21.-24.Oct., 2021 "Me, Myself and I"
Topics: Personality inner parts, psychodrama, genogram. -
Minad Intensive 13, 7.-10.March, 2022 "Potential"
Topics: obstacles, lojalty "yes´s" and „no´s" if the price for manifesting potetntial is too high -
Minad Intensive 14, 8.-11.July, 2022 "Cell memory bank and body image"
Topics: Senses about being in body, personality reaction patterns, prenatal psychology -
Minad Intensive 15, 27.-30.Oct., 2022 "How real am I?"
Topics: Symbiosis and autonomy, imposters syndrom, objective observer. -
Minad Intensive 16, 28.April - 02.May, 2023 at Abruka Island, "7 Masks of
Fear and Constellations.“
Topics: 4 basic fears according to psychology, 7 masks of fear, cognitive distortions. -
Minad Intensive 17, 21.-24.March, 2024 "Sinu sisemiste süsteemide
ühendus ja tasakaal ehk ekviliibrium" „Balance, connection and equilibrium between your inner systems.“
Topics: Body, heart, mind and soul, how disbalance appears and how to recover it. -
Minad Intensive 18, 25.-28.July, 2024 "Fears and belifs."
Käsitletud teemad: laagrite 11 ja 16 põhiteemade sidumine. -
Minad Intensive 19, 26.-27.Oct., 2024 "Anger and Success."
Topics: unhealthy and healthy anger, connection with other emotions and success, 3-pillars of success.
- teleoninumber
- teraapia@minad.ee
Minad Camps and Minad Mini Camps take place a few times a year. Events will appear on the calendar continuously. Keep an eye out!
Find the event in the calendar
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for February
Sexual abuse in family systems. Online course for constellation practitioners and trainees. Led by Barry Krost (USA)
- teleoninumber
- teraapia@minad.ee
Minad Camps and Minad Mini Camps take place a few times a year. Events will appear on the calendar continuously. Keep an eye out!
Find the event in the calendar
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for February
Sexual abuse in family systems. Online course for constellation practitioners and trainees. Led by Barry Krost (USA)
My insights
Grains of thought
Kuidas laagrid alguse said?
Peamiselt soovivad seda teraapia vormi siiski paarid, sest neid seovad lapsed, ühine vara, abielu jne. Paarisuhtes on oluline lahendada raskused ühiselt. See tugevdab ka kasvatab suhte kvaliteeti ning sügavust. Selline suhtevorm on keerulisim kõikidest teistest, sest päevast päeva ühist ruumi ja kohustusi jagades, ilmnevad kõik kitsaskohad, haavad ja lahendamata lood. Paarisuhtesse tuuakse kaasa kõik isiklikud kogemused ja valukohad, õnnestumised ja tõekspidamised varasematest elukogemustest. Need põrkuvad koheselt, kui partner, kasvõi kogemata, käivitab erinevad reaktsioonimustrid (omandatud kompensatsiooni- ehk kaitsemehhanismid) valukohti, mis on endiselt meis lahendamata.
The goal
The courage to embark on a journey of healing is always greater than fleeing, denying one's guilt, or blaming others. If not, you are likely to continue the same patterns in subsequent relationships. This will not end until you understand your role in the relationship and take responsibility for it. A psychogenealogy session can also be used to explore your family tree, if you have one, to see what influences might be connected to you. This helps to map out issues that need resolving.
Mis teeb laagrid eriliseks?
Ühises ruumis elades, ollakse tihedas kontaktid ühe või mitme pereliikmega ning närvisüsteemid on pidevas reageerimises. Oskus lahendada konflikte, luua ühendust ja samal ajal jaotada rolle ning kohustusi, on pidev töö iseenda ja suhtega. See ei jäta ruumi põgenemisele. Kuigi ka selleks on õpitud erinevaid kaitsetaktikaid. Näiteks kapseldumine, sõltuvused, hobide liigne ületähtsustamine. Kaob tasakaal suhtes ja rahulolematus ning pinged on kerged tekkima. Sageli nähakse teises süüd. Kui unustatakse, et see vaid peegeldus endale, millele reageeritakse. Põhjus, mis tekitab reaktsiooni või süüdistamist, on alati süüdistajas endas. On see siis mõni valus lapsepõlve kogemus, ülekanded ja ootused partnerile, millele partner ei saa ja ei peagi vastama või midagi muud.
Soovitused osalejale
- With students in professional training (therapists, constellators);
- With private schools offering continuing education for adults;
- With kindergartens and schools;
- noortekeskustega;
- With business teams and small businesses
- With associations and unions in specific fields;
- And with others who have requested training on specific topics.