
Home Events - Minad Constellations Family Constellations in Kiili


Jun 10 2024


18:00 - 22:00

Family Constellations in Kiili

Alustasin transpersonaalse terapeudina töötamist üle 11-aasta tagasi ja aasta hiljem, avastasin ka konstellatsioonid. Algselt kasutasin seda rohkem iseenda jaoks ja eraseanssidel. Mida rohkem sellega tööd tegin ja meetodit õppisin, seda enam kogesin selle tõhusust ja võimalusi.
Today, it is an integral part of my daily work as a therapist. I am constantly engaged in further training in this field, initially in Estonia and now with many teachers and professionals abroad.
What is special about this method? For me, it's about how you can see how you relate to one person or another. How ancestors' decisions, choices and life experiences affect us. And also the influences of people who are not related to us but are connected to our lives. This method brings to light (more or less) real events, relationships, people and all that goes with them.
There are no prerequisites or barriers to being a representative. There is no need to prepare in advance. If you participate, you are already open enough to experience. Any representation will only take place with your agreement and will be released after the work is done.
The client of the personal work gets the work from their question/issue/problem through to a guided and immediate possible solution. This doesn't mean that all the problems are solved in one go, as this is one small part of the whole. We are human beings and we need time to integrate the different changes one by one. Then we can move on to the next issue. However, other things in life can start to move towards a solution once one major concern has been dismantled and made visible, and can be moved in a direction that fits the solution.
Kutsungi sind osalema 10.juunil, kell 18:00-22:00 Kiili, Lasteaia 11-1, Harjumaa Minade Stuudiosse konstellatsioonimeetodit kogema, tööde tellijaid toetama ja kui soovid, endalegi isiklik töö tellida.
- Parking: in the large parking lot behind the Kiili People's House (behind the building at Nabala tee 12). Come from the parking lot to the first, 2nd floor building, staircase I, first floor, crt. 1.
– Osalemine esindajana: 20€ sularaha, kohapeal.
– Isiklik töö: 150€.
Õhtut viib läbi Jaana Saar –  11 aastase kogemusega, rahvusvaheliselt sertifitseeritud psühhoterapeut ja kehapsühhoterapeut. Psühhogenealoog. Sertifitseeritud struktuurne- ja perekonstellöör (süsteemsed fenomenoloogilised lahendused – Moskva Süsteemse Konsultatsiooni Instituut). Minade Kooli asutaja ja õppeprogrammi läbiviija. Täiskasvanute psühholoogiliste enesearengu koolituste, seminaride, grupiteraapiate ja laagrite looja, läbiviija. Erakool Teadlik Mina külalislektor.
Read more about me: https://minad.ee/minust/ www.minad.ee

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