
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an.


Psychotherapy session, 1h – 1,15h – 70€
Bodypsychotherapy session, 1h – 1,15h – 70€
Psychogeneology session, 1h – 1,15h – 70€
Therapeutic dialogue for couples or adults, 1.5h-2h – 100€
Therapeutic dialogue – child-parent 1h- 1,5h – 70€
Constellation in group – 150€
Couples constellation in group – 200€


I'm calmer, I don't take everything personally and I can distance myself that it's not an emotion directed at me, it's just an emotion. This is a big step for me because I used to take everything very to heart and personally. I was afraid to make a mistake at work, now it's better to be as it is, if it doesn't fit, it's time to move on.


Olen rahulikum, ei võta kõike isiklikult ja suudan end distantseeruda, et see pole minu pihta emotsioon vaid emotsioon. See on minu jaoks suur samm, sest varem võtsin kõik väga südamesse ja isiklikult. Kartsin töölgi eksida, nüüd on pigem, et on nagu on, kui ei sobi, siis on aeg edasi liikuda.


There is more energy. Life is happier and feeling more stable. I have become more in touch with my feelings. Even when anger comes up, it's not scary anymore, I can look at it. The relationship with the spouse is more open, calmer and closer.


Energiat on rohkem. Elu on õnnelikum ja enesetunne stabiilsem. Olen oma tunnetega rohkem kontakti saanud. Isegi kui viha peale tuleb, pole see enam hirmutav, ma võin seda vaadata. Suhe abikaasaga on avatum, rahulikum ja lähedasem.


I like going to Jaana for the process because it is simply effective. This 1 hour session time may seem so short, but I have gone with a different topic each time and there has always been some change. This change is not something I only experienced during the session and then life goes on as usual, but it is a changed perception experienced during the session and it remains. And while I have a lot of different things up there, Jaana knows how to find the necessary piece of information from this pile of information, which is important and where everything starts to branch off.


Mulle meeldib Jaana juures protsessil käia, sest see on lihtalt tõhus. See 1 h seansi aega võib tunduda nii lühike, aga ma olen iga kord erineva teemaga läinud ja alati on mingi muutus toimunud. See muutus ei ole, et ainult seansil kogesin ja siis elu läheb vanaviisi edasi, vaid see on seansil kogetud muutunud taju ja see jääb püsima. Ja samas kui mul on palju erinevaid asju üleval, siis oskab Jaana sellest info virr-varrist leida just selle vajaliku infokillu, mis on oluline ja kust kõik hargnema hakkab.



Psychotherapy - a private session where therapist and client meet. You come in with your question and concern and the therapist guides the session based on your question. The private session will deal with the most topical issue in your life at the moment. It's no coincidence that the concern you come with is one, but by the time you meet something more pressing has emerged. Because everything is interconnected, the paths to resolution always lead back to where it all began - an experience or event in your life that has not yet been resolved and has 'nested' in your subconscious. From there it guides all actions, thoughts and reactions. This in turn affects all areas of your life (work, relationships, health, etc.), some more strongly and some less.



Constellation - the occurrence of what is, i.e. the reasons why similar situations, strange events, symptoms and patterns recur. The phenomenon is that the constellation brings to light the hidden connections and links to those with unresolved impulses in our lives and destinies. What does it mean? Do you know how birds fly south? Or how fish go back to spawn in the places where they were born and have never been there again in their lives? This has been studied scientifically and it has been discovered that there is a morphogenetic field, or information space, which contains everything that has been - impulses. A constellation is formed. A definite pattern, trajectory, or arrangement, the charges of which are instinctively and loyally picked up by descendants.



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Therapy for couples

Therapy for couples is a dialogue between partners. But maybe also between any two people if there is a situation that needs to be resolved in order to continue a partnership, a friendship, a working relationship. I've also been visited by partners and adult family members who find it difficult to find common ground. In couples therapy, the main technique is guided dialogue, the principles of which are based on Imago couples therapy but I will always add other therapeutic elements and techniques as appropriate. The therapist guides the structure of the dialogue, the content is created by the couple. The aim is to find a common understanding and to see and acknowledge each other honestly and directly, with all that is revealed. Sometimes it is a good idea for both to come to a separate psychotherapy (therapy) session beforehand, so that they can freely express their own views, feelings and thoughts about the topic. The therapist can then also get an idea of where the real difficulty may be coming from and why it is occurring in the couple.



The body-psychotherapy session is mainly structured around the exploration of body-mind connections and body impulses, combined with psychotherapy principles. Meaning that the focus is on how body reactions have evolved in relation to personality development and experience. Consequently, the physical body will begin to express certain traits - the hollow of the back, the hump on the back, the chicken breast, the baldness of the head, the arch of the foot, the postures, the movements, the impulses, etc. And how all this affects the mind. The body tells the story. Sometimes more clearly, sometimes more subtly. During a body psychotherapy session, the charges that have shaped these traits are explored. What is the underlying experience, the psychosomatics, that resulted in the retention of a particular movement, a reaction, and where in the body this charge is still retained. Stored body impulses, or charges, begin to influence how the physical body takes shape, moves, reacts - fight, flight, stall, compensate. What are these patterns of compensatory responses and when do they trigger, and can we get out of them, or stop and come into relaxation. This is all at the forefront of a bodypsychotherapy session. The compensatory reaction occurs to protect the wound, which is deeply hidden. It is a defence to cope with what was not dealt with when you were a child. Different reactions refer to different ages and possible scenarios. For this, the therapist has acquired training and knowledge.


Therapeutic dialogue between the child and the parent

Therapeutic dialogue between the child and the parent is a way for the child's feelings and behaviours to be safely expressed to the parent. The child is not always able to put into words exactly what is happening inside him or herself, fewer to explain the reasons for his or her behaviour. And vice versa. Parents do not always know how to open up to their children for fear of losing authority or appearing weak. There is also often a lack of knowledge about how to communicate adequately and supportively with the child. How much is enough and how much is necessary? In order for the child not to feel burdened or abandoned and for the parent not to lose the adult attitude of support and a safe environment, it is necessary to have the courage to open up to the child. In this way, the child learns, feels supported and entrusts its concerns to the parent. This step is always taken first by the parent, because he or she is the adult and the child is watching carefully.