
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est. Eos ei nisl graecis, vix aperiri consequat an.

Avaleht Events Familyconstellations with Language of the Soul training. A 3-day Intensive

Familyconstellations with Language of the Soul training. A 3-day Intensive

Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer, journeyed on a lifelong quest to discover a cure for his own wounds and in doing so discovered how to heal many others, which brought him solace. Shavasti (John L Payne), the author of two books published through Findhorn Press on Family Constellation and Ancestral Healing work, presents this Language of the Soul Training for Therapists, Counsellors, Healers and Family Constellation Facilitators alike.

You will be taken on a journey to discover the value of being present with your own wounding as bridge of compassion in the process of assisting your clients to delve into and through their own wounds to uncover their ability to reach resolution. As therapists, each of us goes through trials in life, rites of passage, each of which teaches us compassion. Healing, in its purest form is an art, acts of grace, rather than being a science of the mind. When hearts connect, healing takes place.

During this weekend you will learn tools that will assist you to move beyond logical structure, trying to ‘figure it out’, into a state of being with individual client work or Family Constellation work that will take you into a more intuitive sense of what is important in the moment.

Language and language syntax plays an important role in healing – within the context of Family Constellations we have come to use the term ‘healing sentences’, however, when employed from a place of empathy, they become powerful tools when used in individual session, no matter the modality. Journey with me to more deeply understand their importance and the energy that is the foundation of this profoundly transformative healing modality.

What we will learn:

  • Learn how to feel healing sentences and move beyond what your mind says is ‘logical’
  • How to identify your client’s defences and their core wounds

During this training there will be ample practical exercises, opportunities to put into practice what you’ve just learnt, lectures and exercises in being with the field of information present in a Family Constellations and the energy present with your individual clients.

  • Day 1: Family Constellations, exercises and client work
  • Day 2 and 3: Language of the Soul Training and Exercises

For whom the training is intended?

Constellators, therapists (trainees or facilitators already), healers – any style of approach when accompanying others on their journey through pain, drama, trauma or physical ailments.

The training is also ideal for those who are therapy clients or on a journey of self-growth. Or if you want to move deeper, learn more tools and go through a personal process, guided by Shavasti.

Interview with Shavasti about the training in Tallinn, can be found here: https://youtu.be/kPhsAXnLe7o

The training is led by Shavasti.

A student of Bert Hellinger, author of 2 books on constellations. “The Language of the Soul. Healing with words of truth.” and “Embracing the power of truth. Tools for Liberating Your Heart.” Shavasti is a frequent lecturer, respected constellations facilitator, therapist, coach and trainer worldwide.

Shavasti performs, trains or giving workshops around the world, almost every 2 weeks. He has already performed in 56 countries + is now coming to Estonia. Shavasti is a valued and sought-after constellator, therapist and trainer because of her soft and specific approach with a focus on working with healing sentences.

Shavasti’s personal training also includes bio-energetics, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Zen intensives in monasteries, studies and mentoring with many other world renowned constellation facilitators, Barbara Brennan School of Healing (PS1 and 2), Walking the Shamans Path with Patricia White Buffalo (3 year training), initiation of the African Sangoma tradition and much more.

Why attend?

  • Shavasti’s training in family constellations was acquired with Bert Hellinger.
  • Shavasti has 25 years of experience and a specific focus on working with healing sentences.
  • The simplicity of the healing sentences on the one hand, and the emotional challenge on the other, is an ideal therapeutic tool for anyone accompanying clients on their journey.
  • By experiencing the impact of the healing sentences on yourself, you will better feel the power of the phrases offered to your client. You will learn even more to be present and to sense the field with information and the client.
  • The training includes practical exercises in small groups (2-4 people).
  • The number of places is limited – 45 participants.
  • At the end of the course, each participant will have received a series of constellation therapy processes with a specific focus.
  • Participants will receive a Shavasti-endorsed certificate.

Jaana Saar on Shavasti and his approach.

I met Shavasti in 2022 at Internationl Family, Systemic and Organizational Constellations Conference, where he was one of the presenters. While doing the exercises he offered to the participants, I experienced going very deep with each of them. Accessing emotionally blocked material that I had no idea I was still holding. I mean, a lot of work has been done on myself, but in what form, and that there is still a lot of it, became apparent through Shavasti’s given Language of the Soul phrases.

I met Shavasti several times during the 1 year International Family Constellation Certificate Training, organised by Jonine Lee Gabay from Australia. We had 38 well known facilitators from all over the world, including Shavasti, who was one of our core lecturers. At the end of the course, there was a Constellation Intensive Immersion in Bali, where I met Shavasti finaly also in person. It was something I had been longing to do and I was quietly planning to invite him to Estonia. This dream came true sooner than I thought. One conversation led to another and in Bali, this 3-day training was called to life.

Important information about participation:

  • When? May 31st – June 2nd, 2024; from 10:00-18:00 daily.
  • Where? Nordic Hotel Forums, Tallinn, Estonia, conference room Capella: https://www.nordichotels.eu/konverents/
  • Language: the seminar will be in english and translated into estonian.
  • 3-day training price: 420€.
  • Payment plan is avalible: payment in 2 or 3 parts.
  • The price includes on all 3 days: coffee, tea, water and a salty bite before lunch. Certificate.
  • Lunch is not included.
  • Due to the content of the training, there will be a shorter break in the second half of the day and coffee and sweets are not recommended.
  • Registration: teraapia@minad.ee or via the registration box below.

About the organizer:

Jaana Saar – with 11 years of experience, internationally (Eurotas) certified Hypno- and Psychotherapist in private school “Teadlik Mina “ (“Conscious Self”) (3 years training); certified Structural and Family Constellations Facilitator (1+3 years training) (Systemic Phenomenological Solutions – Moscow Institute of Systemic Consultation); Certified Body Psychotherapist (4 years of training) (Siegmar Gercken, Core Evolution); Founder of the private school “Minade Kool” (“School of Selve´s”) and instructor of the course of “Additional training for Therapists”; Lecturer at the private school “Konstellatsiooni ja Teadliku Arengu Instituut” (“Institute of Constellation and Conscious Development”). Lecturer, trainer, group therapist, an organiser and facilitator of psychological, body-oriented and constellation-based, every years “Minade Laager” (“Minade Intensive”). More information about Jaana can be found here: www.minad.ee/en

Register to attend:


    mai 31 2024 - juuni 02 2024


    10:00 - 18:00


    Nordic Hotel Forum
    Viru väljak 3, Tallinn, Estonia